J’net Smith has successfully agented countless artists and creators and built robust licensing departments for many businesses. Her most well-known clients include Scott Adams, the creator of DILBERT™, and currently UBI Advanstar’s official matchmaker between manufacturers and retailers, and Artists + Designers, a free service and resource at Licensing Expo.
Tom Wilson, Internationally Syndicated Ziggy Cartoonist, talks about the benefits of agents.
Luckily for all the hopeful creators out there, J’net still, on occasion, agrees to agent new, upcoming artists. She is always looking for that next great, marketable creative genius or property. When J’net decides to agent a client, she often takes on key categories and at a very reasonable commission rate. She is also and is known for recommending other agents, if she doesn’t happen to be the best fit for you.
Individuals & Businesses
One of many 'Bodacious Broads' created by Debbie Tomassi for Design Design, agented by J'net Smith.
Send your full marketing and licensing presentation to J’net via email ( for her review. She will get back to you in a timely manner. Please do not just send a link to your website.
If you are not sure you are ready for licensing, you can still send your presentation. It may be best for you to consider a coaching session to find out how to present your art, character, brand or property in an appropriate manner.
Many of the services and classes below are specifically designed to help creators prepare for launching their brand or pitching agents. Most agents today work only with creators and properties that are ready to ‘hit the road running.